Fun Friday Field Trip Schedule
Summer 2024
Permission Slips for Fun Fridays will be provided to families on a weekly basis. The PDF version of the permission slips will be available through this page but permission slips must be printed and brought to camp by their due date. Information such as destination, time and location for drop-off and pick-up, cost, and if lunch is provided will be stated in the permission slip. Early drop-off and Late pick-up is not offered on Fridays.
June 14th: Family Bowlaway
June 21st: Altitude Trampoline Park liability waiver Altitude Waiver
June 28th: Living Treasures
July 11th: Blue Sox
July 19th: Carnival
July 26th: Science Center
August 2nd: End of the Summer Campout at PVYC
June 21st: Altitude Trampoline Park liability waiver Altitude Waiver
June 28th: Living Treasures
July 11th: Blue Sox
July 19th: Carnival
July 26th: Science Center
August 2nd: End of the Summer Campout at PVYC